VASL mods

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Overview of available VASL mod files.

VASL mod Status VASSAL
VASL 5.9.3 released 2.13.2013 VASSAL-3.1.20
VASL 6.0.0 released 11.17.2013 VASSAL-3.2.8 or latest

VASL 6.0 versions requires VASSAL 3.2.8 or later and VASL 5.9.3 only works with VASSAL 3.1.20. If you save a module, game, or log in VASL 6.0, you will NOT be able to open it afterwards with VASL 5.9. We recommend finishing your 5.9 games with that version of VASL and starting new ones with 6.0.

VASSAL 3.1.20 and 3.2.x can happily coexist on the same machine. Just make sure to install each version to a different location.