Debout les bambins!

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Debout les bambins!

Publication: Tactiques 1
Location: East of Krinkelt, Belgium
Scenario Date: 17/12/1944
# of Turns: 10.5
# of Maps: 4
Maps Used: 4, 5, 17, 33
File:Board TAC10.jpg
Attacker: German
Defender: American


During December 17-19, 1944, the Belgian villages of Krinkelt and Rocherath, and the surrounding countryside, provided a setting that would determine whether or not the flank of the U.S. First Army would be rolled up and the German Ardennes breakthrough widened, permitting the Germans to reach their objectives beyond the Meuse. In the path of the German advance was a key crossroads held by a battalion of American infantry. While small in comparison to the larger campaign, it was an important event that effected actions in the following days. By slowing the advance of elements of the German 6th SS Panzer Army the Allies were able to buy time to block key roadways, preventing the widening of the German offensive and then stopping it.

Source: Lausdell Crossroads

Versions History

Victory Conditions

Germans need 40 Exit VP (A26.3), without prisoners.


Check all playings recorded on ROAR for this scenario here





After Action Report


