Turning the Tide

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Turning the Tide

Turning the Tide was published by MMP in 2009.

The scenarios were adapted from Squad Leader scenarios in the Avalon Hill products Cross of Iron, Crescendo of Doom, GI: Anvil of Victory and Series 100, Series 200 and Rogue Series 200.


  • 20 scenarios






Type Scenario ID Title Date Attacker Defender
ASL Scenario U14 Sacrifice of Polish Armor 01/09/1939 German Pole
ASL Scenario U15 Battle for the Warta Line 06/09/1939 German Pole
ASL Scenario U16 Under Cover of Darkness 12/09/1939 Pole German
ASL Scenario U17 Resistance at Chabrehez 10/05/1940 German Belgian
ASL Scenario U18 Assault on a Queen 11/05/1940 German Dutch
ASL Scenario U19 Hasty Pudding 27/05/1940 British German
ASL Scenario U20 Fighting at World's Edge 28/05/1940 German Allied
ASL Scenario U21 The French Perimeter 02/06/1940 German French
ASL Scenario U22 Road to Kozani Pass 13/04/1941 German British
ASL Scenario U23 Rehearsal for Crete 26/04/1941 German Allied
ASL Scenario U24 Traverse Right...Fire! 23/06/1941 German Russian
ASL Scenario U25 Breakout from Borisov 02/07/1941 Russian German
ASL Scenario U26 Bald Hill 11/09/1941 German Russian
ASL Scenario U27 A Winter Melee 17/02/1942 German Russian
ASL Scenario U28 Sowchos 79 08/12/1942 German Russian
ASL Scenario U29 Night Battle at Noromaryevka 01/01/1943 Russian German
ASL Scenario U30 Swatting at Tigers 11/07/1943 German American
ASL Scenario U31 The Front in Flames 22/08/1943 German Russian
ASL Scenario U32 Disaster on the Dnieper Loop 24/09/1943 Russian German
ASL Scenario U33 The Bukrin Bridgehead 24/09/1943 Russian German