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Whenever an event occurs calling for the Random Selection of one or more units in a hex, a dr is made for each such unit therein. The unit with the highest dr is the one affected by that event. If there is a tie for the highest dr, all of the applicable units which rolled that number are affected equally. The process can be speeded up by the application of assorted “House Rules” of the player’s choice. We recommend using four dice of different hues to resolve Random Selection with a single DR. The lightest colored dr applies to the top applicable unit in any stack, the next darkest to the next applicable unit in the stack, etc.

EX: A leader, crew, HS, and squad are stacked in that order from top to bottom in a hex which has just been attacked on the IFT yielding a K/1 result (7.302). The Random Selection dice are thrown and result in a white 3, a green 1, a red 2, and a black 3. As a result, the leader is wounded and the squad Reduced to a HS. The crew and both HS suffer a 1MC.

Random Selection among concealed units [EXC: Sniper Concealed Targets (14.23)] to select which units are revealed must include a dr for every counter beneath the top “?” counter in a stack; any Dummy unit selected is eliminated and the Random Selection process continues using the next lower dr of the same DR until a non-Dummy unit is revealed. If a SW is picked to be revealed, reveal its possessor instead. If the SW is unpossessed, use the next lower dr of the Random Selection DR.

Rule Clarifications

None yet.

Playing Aids

None yet.

Tactiques / Analysis

None yet.

Errata / Q&A

None yet.