Vous descendez a Maleme?

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Vous descendez a Maleme?

Publication: Tactiques 1
Location: Maleme Airport, Crete
Scenario Date: 21/05/1941
# of Turns: 8
# of Maps: 2
Maps Used: 11, 14
Attacker: German
Defender: British


The Battle of Crete (German: Luftlandeschlacht um Kreta) was a battle during World War II on the Greek island of Crete. The battle began on the morning of 20 May 1941, when Nazi Germany launched an airborne invasion of Crete under the code-name Unternehmen Merkur ("Operation Mercury") Greek and Allied forces along with Cretan civilians defended the island.

After one day of fighting, the Germans had suffered appalling casualties and none of their objectives had been achieved. The next day, through miscommunication and the failure of Allied commanders to grasp the situation, Maleme airfield in western Crete fell to the Germans, enabling them to fly in reinforcements and overwhelm the Allied forces. The battle lasted for about ten days.

The Battle of Crete was unprecedented in three respects: it was the first mainly airborne invasion; it was the first time the Allies made significant use of intelligence from the deciphered German Enigma code; and it was the first time invading German troops encountered mass resistance from a civilian population. In light of the heavy casualties suffered by the parachutists, Adolf Hitler forbade further large scale airborne operations. However, the Allies were impressed by the potential of paratroopers and started to build their own airborne divisions.

Source: Battle of Crete on Wikipedia

Versions History

Victory Conditions

The Germans need to clear the two airfield runways. They are supported by paratroopers via air drop (E9) and Stukas giving air support (E7).


Check all playings recorded on ROAR for this scenario here





After Action Report



