
From The ASL Archive
Revision as of 12:50, 10 April 2010 by Frailn (talk | contribs)
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The rules often require use of a colored die to differentiate it from the other die in use. A set of four dice of different colors is included in ASL Module I: BEYOND VALOR. A white die and one of the colored dice are rolled simultaneously and summed normally for most purposes, but occasionally the colored dr will take on added significance either by itself or in comparison to the white dr. Players may also find it beneficial to get in the habit of rolling three dice, and using the third colored die as an automatic "subsequent dr" for any situation requiring one (such as A5.132,7.309,9.74,11.13,11.501,24.1). The term "dr" refers to die roll while the term "DR" in all CAPITAL letters refers to Dice Roll. The term Original DR/dr refers to one before the addition of modifiers; Final DR/dr refers to a DR/dr after the addition of all modifiers.

Rule Clarifications

None yet.

Playing Aids

None yet.

Tactiques / Analysis

None yet.

Errata / Q&A

None yet.